At first glance, I thought, "What an amusing photo!" It was something so innocent and yet it had such a sinister title, Devastation. Upon deeper contemplation, I realise that parallels can be drawn to us. Are we, the "paragon of animals", disturbingly similar to the sheep within? Our insatiable greed has also warped natural beauty into wastelands such as The Dust Bowl in America. Perchance this is why Man is at the apex of sentient life forms here on this planet. While sheep may only destroy local fields, Man's aptitude for destruction has a more far-reaching and alarming effects on nature. Vast spaces of not only land, but air and water have been made toxic because of our desire for the word "more". Ultimately, the sheep get bigger, fatter and are sent to the s-laughterhouse, tragic victims of their own greed. Looks like these sheep have to take a few lessons from their sheperd to reach the summit.
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